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using a model from another app in a package
  • REST





    In restmodel.php

    namespace Rest;

    class Model_Restmodel extends Model


    function duh(){

    return "duh";







    In check.php

    namespace BusinessRules;

    use Rest;

    class check


        function test($id)


            echo “test ”.$id;

            $model = new \Rest\Model_Restmodel;

            echo $model->duh();








    In xml.php

    class Controller_Xml extends Controller_Template

    function action_check()
        $check = new BusinessRules\check;



    ErrorException [ Error ]: Class 'Rest\Model_Restmodel' not found

    Question: how to enable the use of Restmodel in check.php?

  • This is a bit unreadable, please use for a code paste next time.

    If with 'app' you mean two different FuelPHP installations, then direct access is never possible. They are not aware of each other.

    Within the same app, it should be possible (providing the packages/modules are loaded, namespaces are known, etc), but it is frowned upon, it creates tight coupling between two not-coupled application components, which should be avoided at all costs.

    Instead, do a REST call (if another application) or an HMVC call (if the same application), instead of calling the model class directly, to retrieve the information.
  • Thanks Harro, will call the REST 

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