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New Asset Type
  • Hello, 

    Is there a way to specify a new asset type within the asset config file? I've been looking at the asset docs, and I don't currently have a solution. 

    ex: Asset::uploads('title_cards/card1.png');
  • You can call add_type() in the Asset instance to add a new type, after which you can call find_file() or get_file() to get URL's to files of the new type.
  • Can you please give me an example? 
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Assuming you're not using custom instances:

    $url = \Asset::instance()->get_file('filename.png', 'test');

    Will return <assetpath>/test/filename.png (if this file exists).
  • Thank you, that works fine. 

    But, is there any way to be able to define a new type, like Asset::uploads? and define 'uploads' so I can use it anywhere in the application like I would Asset::img, Asset::js, etc.
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    You will have to extend the Asset class (to provide the static interface) and the Asset_Instance class (to provide the actual method).

    Check on how to go about extending the core.

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