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Accessing Log in fuelphp ?
  • I have been create Success Log after send email, and that file is save in logs directory of fuel. Did Fuelphp Have some function for parsing log in FUELPHP ? 

    this is my logs 
    Success send email - 2013-05-17 05:04:10 -->  for description data is = {"to":{"":"Voyage Indonesia Technology"},"subject":"Voyage Indonesia Technology via : Pemberitahuan Perpanjangan Lowongan Pekerjaan","title":"Kerjaan Notification","type":13,"company_name":"Voyage Indonesia Technology","job_id":"846","job_title":"di copy di copy","left_day":7}
    Success send email - 2013-05-17 05:04:15 -->  for description data is = {"to":{"":"Voyage Indonesia Technology"},"subject":"Voyage Indonesia Technology via : Pemberitahuan Perpanjangan Lowongan Pekerjaan","title":"Kerjaan Notification","type":13,"company_name":"Voyage Indonesia Technology","job_id":"846","job_title":"di copy di copy","left_day":7}

    that logs show any two email send success, in this case I want to count that success. Any Suggestion How I can do that ?
  • There a no features to parse logs at the moment.

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