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Model with Image and propreties
  • Hello,

    I'm trying to figure out how the edit_action is working.

    I have a model: Model_Car where it has an image as part of the model with the properties:
    image_name, type, size, extension.

    I'm able to save the image, but the model save fails since the properties such as: type, size and extension are not sent with the Post.

    I see in the edit aciton:

            $car = Model_Car::find($id);
            $val = Model_Car::validate('edit');

            if ($val->run())
                $car->name = Input::post('name');
          //      $car->real_file_name = Input::post('file_type');
          //      $car->file_type = Input::post('file_type');
                if (Input::method() == 'POST')
                                 if (Upload::is_valid())
                                 // get the list of successfully uploaded files
                                 foreach(Upload::get_files() as $file)
                                       $car->name = $val->validated('name');
                                       $car->real_file_name = $file['name'];
                                       $car->file_type= $file['mimetype'];
                                 Session::set_flash('error', $val->error());

    So I tried to comment out the main validation section, but it still throws back the errors even though the file saves correctly (which I would like to not... both should fail and rollback if one of the processes fails.)

    I would also like this to be able to handle multiple images saving a new row for each image uploaded using the same content entered into the form.

    So any ideas on why or how I should setup the action to not throw back the errors on fields I want to set from the uploaded image?

    Are there transient properties?


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