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Log Levels
  • var_dump(\Fuel::L_NONE); // int 0
    var_dump(\Fuel::L_ERROR); // int 400
    var_dump(\Fuel::L_WARNING); // int 300
    var_dump(\Fuel::L_DEBUG); // int 100
    var_dump(\Fuel::L_INFO); // int 200
    var_dump(\Fuel::L_ALL); // int 99

    Why is L_DEBUG lower than L_INFO? I'd like to log debug messages without logging all of the info messages.

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    It was designed like that over two years ago, and can't be changed now without breaking existing applications that use this order.

    And it's a very common order, we've switched to Monolog as our logging engine per v1.5, and that defines these levels:
        protected static $levels = array(
            100 => 'DEBUG',
            200 => 'INFO',
            250 => 'NOTICE',
            300 => 'WARNING',
            400 => 'ERROR',
            500 => 'CRITICAL',
            550 => 'ALERT',
            600 => 'EMERGENCY',

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