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how to make the admin panel in the module
  • I have a module of News


    how to make the admin panel in the module

  • Impossible to say without knowing your application architecture.
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    And you want to move that admin controller to your module?

    That should not be a problem, a matter of adding the namespace to the controller, and check that all class access is properly namespaced.

    If you then rename it to Controller_Admin (it doesn't need News in the name anymore), you will get a URL like /news/admin/....

    You can use a generic route like

    'admin/(:any)/(:any)' => '$1/admin/$2',

    which will allow you to use a url like admin/news/something, which will then be rewritten to news/admin/something. It allows you to, from a URL point of view, still group all your admin controllers under the /admin URL.

  • Is there any way to make it available as an  admin/news
     but in order to avoid conflicts with other pages?

  • Yes, using the route I gave.

    I assumed that you have multiple modules, and would want to do the same for all your modules. If not, you can always define a specific route:

    'admin/news(:any)' => 'news/admin$1',
  • 'admin/(:any)/(:any)' => '$1/admin/$2',   

    I mean, the path was not admin/news/news/edit/1

    but just admin/news/edit/1

    can be arranged once the files that it happened, and why not make the identification of ways in the nucleus sanctioned Frameworks

  • Eh, could be that the regex for :any is eager, so the segment is replicated.


    'admin/(:segment)/(:any)' => '$1/admin/$2',  

  • you have written is not working

    I have tried to do so

    fuel/app/config/routes.php  -   'admin/(:any)/(:any)' => '$1/admin/$2',  

    modules/news/config/routes.php - 'admin/news' => 'admin/news/news',

    the documentation says that the modules can have your routing

    but still it does not work

  • What are you exactly trying to do where? You are adding a module route? Which route, and to which module?
  • I want to admin panel of the module "news" was available at admin/news


    although the path to the admin panel can change the main thing that was available at admin/news

    modules may have different names

  • So you need to add that route to app/config/routes.php, module routes aren't loaded until the module itself is loaded, this limitation is documented.
  • So far I can not find a solutionI need to admin panel has been available in the controllers and modules in conventional controllers

    if you add

    'admin/(:segment)/(:any)' => '$1/admin/$2',

    fuel/app/classes/controller/admin/users.php  it works as /admin/users

    fuel/modules/news/classes/controller/admin/news.php   but does not work  /admin/news

    if done well

    'admin/(:segment)' => '$1/admin/$1',
    'admin/(:segment)/(:any)' => '$1/admin/$1/$2',

    on the contrary news work and the users do not

    I need to be available towards the controllers and modules, without modules

  • fuel/modules/news/classes/controller/admin/news.php has to be accessed (as in route target) as "news/admin/news/...". There is no way around that.

    /admin/news doesn't work, because this route converts that to "news/admin", which maps to a controller called "admin" in the news module. And not to a controller "news" in the admin folder of the news module.

    So all you can do is hardcode your global admin controllers:
    'admin/(users|other|global)/(:any)' => 'admin/$1/$2',
    'admin/(:segment)/(:any)' => '$1/admin/$1/$2',

    This will map

    admin/users/something to admin/users/something (app/classes/controller/admin/users.php, action something)
    admin/other/something to admin/other/something (app/classes/controller/admin/other.php, action something)
    admin/news/something to news/admin/news/something (modules/news/classes/controller/admin/news.php, action something)

    There is no way to magically detect where your controller lives, without using a route closure that does it's own class lookups and that constructs a new URI and call that with an HMVC call.

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