I am from the Novius OS core team (a FuelPHP-powered CMS) and I wanted to announce I will be giving trainings about this wonderful framework. This course is in French, takes place in Paris and lasts 3 days. The idea is to explore the framework through various examples. At the end of the course, developers should be able to understand how to use FuelPHP and to implement any application.
Hello sebastien i am so a french boy and i learn fuelphp (it's funto talk to youin Englishknowing that we areafrenchlolit remindsmisheardmeon vacationand meet otherFrenchwhenwe spokeEnglish duringsix hoursin passing thatit wasGermanlol). I learn Laravel4 and Fuelphp at the same time, because Iseekalmostas powerful asSymfony2frameworkbut with aless difficultlearning curveincase Ineed to provide aframeworkfora business, andthis requiresthat the choiceof this frameworkisenoughto accommodatelarge applications, Ido not say,Symfony2is really apurewonderwhenwe spent thelong and difficultlearning curve, ittook mesix monthsto begin tounderstand theprogram welland70% of theoperationbutI admitit istop.
I intend toeventuallycreate a newblog whereI would makeprogress onFuelPHPtutorialsif Ihave timeforthatlaravel4communityis large enough,I want topromoteas much asFuelPHPNovius.
If there is enough people asking for an english training, I could consider it (I could teach distinct french and english trainings). Is there any one else interested in an english training in Paris ?