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Save text data
  • Hello!

    I have one issue.
    I have contact form. When user sends it to me, I am receive not formated text.
    Without newline and tabulation.
    $_POST = Security::htmlentities(Security::xss_clean($_POST));

    How to make possibility to receive formated text?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    How do you send it? Using the email package?

    The use of htmlentities suggests you want to send it as html? did you set it as html_body()? And you probably have to run nl2br() as well, to convert newlines to <br>. And HTML doesn't support tabs, so that will never work.
  • I am using standard form with POST to controller.
    This controller saves to DB to table `messages`.

    I forgot about function nl2br();

    Harro, Thank you!

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