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Upgrade to php 5.5.4 has broken url's
  • Hi everyone.

    Im new here so go easy on my :P

    Right basically I have upgraded my php installation to 5.5.4 and in doing so I have broken something >.<, The front page will load however trying to go anywhere else will just display the default 404 page from apache.

    I am running ubuntu 12.04 if that helps.

    Any ideas guys, this is frustrating the hell out of me >.<
  • Is that all you did? I've been running 5.5.x for quite some time, and without any issue. Did you upgrade apache too?

    If you get apache's 404, the most obvious issue is a broken mod_rewrite or an .htaccess issue.
  • Yeah thats all I did, mod_rewrite was the first thing I checked but it seems to be activated at least.

    What .htaccess should I be looking for?
  • If you have a standard FuelPHP installation, it's in /public.
  • Couldn't figure it out so I have just gone through a painful process of reverting my php version back to its original state which seems to have fixed it, it must have had something to do with the build I was using but its too much hastle for what its worth

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