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Routing Problem: endless loop
  • Hi,

    I try to build a Login with separated Front- and Backend from the scratch.

    Frontent is working perfectly, but when I try to access the Backend I have an endless loop.

    Idea for separation and the needed routing comes from here:

    Login (Ormauth) from here:

    I have separated the login function into another controller which extends the Private controller, but still no luck.

    Here is my code:


    /admin goes to /admin/login and has an endless loop
    /private/user/login goes to /admin/login and has an endless loop

    I have no idea why this happenz. Hope someone could shed a little bit light on this.


  • Using oil admin scaffolding?

    There was a bug there, but it was solved quite some time ago.
  • No, copied from the Blog and the docs section.
    Just installed fresh v1.6.1
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    I think the problem may be this code, in your controllers' before method:

            // User isn't logged in
                \Session::set_flash('error', 'User isn\'t logged in!');
                   \Debug::dump(\Auth::check()); #die;

    Assuming that admin/login points to a method in this controller too, it hits this code, redirects to login, but then hit this code again, before it gets to your login action.

    It should not redirect here if the action called is "login".
  • Understood, but in my opinion it makes Sense to Check if the User is Not loggend in and then send him to the Login of the backend System, or?

    Should I make the Login in the public area, so that this is Not in the private Controller? Or what would you suggest me to do?
  • Yes, but you shouldn't check on the way to the login, your login action should be publicly available, since Auth::check() should return false in the case of login (you're not logged in yet).
  • I do Login and Logout now in the Public Main controller and it works.
    Thanks Harry... as always

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