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how to access controller method from views
  • I am a new fuelphp driver.
    In order to practice it i code a simple example - "access controller method from views" , but it fails , when i click link then error shows The requested URL /fuelphp/1003/public/api/brand was not found on this server.
    please help me, tks .

    class Controller_Api extends Controller

        public function action_index()
            return Response::forge(View::forge('wcar/show'));

        public function action_brand()

    //views  wcar/show.php
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>show car</title>

    <a href=<?php echo Uri::create('api/brand'); ?>>show the brand</a>


    // routes.php
    return array(
        '_root_'  => 'api',
        '_404_'   => 'welcome/404',
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    How did you install it? What is your DocumentRoot? How did you setup your rewriting?
  • thanks Harro Verton , then i check .httaccess and httpd.conf , i found  the AllowOverride  of <VirtualHost> is None so fuelphp can not rewrite it.

    after setting AllowOverride All , fuelphp is working fine.
  • Ok, thanks for the feedback.

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