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\Security::check_token on REST api
  • Im developing REST api and would like to add token check function on each method: GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

    When a page is loaded, page will GET a set of data from the server for rendering.
    At that time, \Security::token_check() validates the token which is sent like

    After fetching the data, when I try to update one of data records with PUT method, the app is failed because of \Security::check_token();

    I guess this is because all the time check_token() is fired, the token is changed to another.
    Is there any stylish way to handle this situation?

    Here is my trial solution.
    abstract class Controller_Base extends Controller_Rest {

        public $sent_token = '';
        public $cookie_token = '';
        public $msg = array( 'message' => 'Not authorised.' );

        public function before()

            $this->sent_token = \Input::param(\Config::get('security.csrf_token_key'));
            $this->cookie_token = \Input::cookie(\Config::get('security.csrf_token_key'));

            if (!Auth::check() || $this->sent_token !== $this->cookie_token)
                $this->response($this->msg, 403);

    class Controller_Data extends Controller_Base
        public function before()

        public function get_data()
            // Do something

        public function post_data()
            // Do something

        public function put_data()
            // Do something

        public function delete_data()
            // Do something

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Use Security::js_fetch_token() in your page.

    That will introduce the javascript function fuel_csrf_token(), which you can use to fetch the current valid token. Include that in your payload when the page submits the data.
  • That works! Thanks a million.

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