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Custom Observer throwing error, not found
  • **edit added correct code

    I'm trying to add a custom observer to a model the observer is located in 


    class Observer_Gcm extends Orm\Observer
          public function after_insert(Orm\Model $model){
                \Log::debug('after insert observer');

    and then in my Model

    protected static $_observers = array(

    But it throws the error that the class doens't exist found in /packages/orm/classes/model.php 1511

    $observer_class = \Inflector::get_namespace($observer).'Observer_'.\Inflector::denamespace($observer);
    if ( ! class_exists($observer_class))
    throw new \UnexpectedValueException($observer);

  • Ok i sorta got it to work but I had to manually edit the Orm bootstrap file to add the class

    'Orm\\Observer_Gcm'        => __DIR__.'/classes/observer/gcm.php',

    and put the actual observer with the others in the Orm package... this seems like a terrible way to do this
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Your custom observer should not be in the Orm namespace, since that namespace is reserved for the Orm package (which is a core package and should not be altered).

    Any other namespace will do, this works fine:

    protected static $_observers = array(

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