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Database prefix problem
  • I have problem in Database class.
    Database custom select and from as table_prefix problem.
    $data = \DB::select_array(\Dev10\Core::get_fields_from_table('setting', 's.', array(), array())
    )->from(array('setting', 's'))->where('s.key', 'title')->execute();

    Query : SELECT `dev10_s`.`setting_id`, `dev10_s`.`group`, `dev10_s`.`key`, `dev10_s`.`value` FROM `dev10_setting` AS `dev10_s` WHERE `dev10_s`.`key` = 'title'

    \Dev10\Core::get_fields_from_table function return values array('', 's.key', 's.value');

    Why dev10_s added prefix select and where variables?
    only queries s.key = 'title'...
    searched could not figure out...

    Old Framework Codeigniter...
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Do you have a prefix configured in your db.php config file? If so it will be used to prefix all table names.
  • Yes use prefix.
    Not living with the problem that when I use Codeigniter Active Record.
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    I don't understand what you mean?

    You have defined a table prefix in your configuration, and are now suprised that all your tables are prefixed?
  • my all tables have a prefix.

    None PHP Query : SELECT `s`.`setting_id`, `s`.`group`, `s`.`key`, `s`.`value` FROM `dev10_setting` AS `s` WHERE `s`.`key` = 'title'

    Database Query : SELECT `dev10_s`.`setting_id`, `dev10_s`.`group`, `dev10_s`.`key`, `dev10_s`.`value` FROM `dev10_setting` AS `dev10_s` WHERE `dev10_s`.`key` = 'title'

    Database/connection.php edited lines;

    quote_table function;
    line 531 : $value[1] = $this->table_prefix().$value[1]; // original
    $value[1] = $value[1]; // new

    quote_identifier function;
    line : 668;
    if ($prefix = $this->table_prefix())
    // Get the offset of the table name, 2nd-to-last part
    // This works for databases that can have 3 identifiers (Postgre)
    $offset = count($parts) - 2;

    // Add the table prefix to the table name
    // $parts[$offset] = $prefix.$parts[$offset];
    $parts[$offset] = $prefix.$parts[$offset];

    if ($prefix = $this->table_prefix())
    // Get the offset of the table name, 2nd-to-last part
    // This works for databases that can have 3 identifiers (Postgre)
    $offset = count($parts) - 2;

    // Add the table prefix to the table name
    // $parts[$offset] = $prefix.$parts[$offset];
    $parts[$offset] = $prefix.$parts[$offset];

    Database/connection.php after; 
    SELECT `s`.`setting_id`, `s`.`group`, `s`.`key`, `s`.`value` FROM `dev10_setting` AS `s` WHERE `s`.`key` = 'title'

    File modified Problem Solved...
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Ah, your problem is that the alias is prefixed too.

    That's only a cosmetic issue, but if it bothers you, please create an issue for it at, linking to this thread. Or send in a PR with the fix.
  • I've looked into it, but although it might solve your particular problem, this doesn't solve THE problem. It creates one.

    Issue is that if in quote_identifier() you get a string "this.that", can you tell that "this" is a table name (which should be prefixed) or an alias (which should not be prefixed)? Problem is, you can't, so the solution that was implemented is to prefix both.

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