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Customizing form output?
  • Is there some way to customize Form/Fieldset output?

    I'm trying to integrate a pre-made theme in my Fuel application and there are some custom components that I would like to use but can't because they don't fit in the basic Form generation template.

    I would also like to add tooltips and tweaks to the various components. Is there an easy way to do that, or am I stuck with making my own custom form generation functions?
  • sagikazarmarksagikazarmark
    Accepted Answer
    You have a limited set of configuration form.php config. Run oil g config to copy it. But this is really limited, so you probably want to do it yourself using Form and Validation class.
  • Thanks for the info.

    If that's the case, then, is there a way to, say, set validation rules from a model? Or do I have to set them manually if I don't go through a Fieldset?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    If you use ORM, it can automatically generate the fieldset and the validation rules from it.

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