I have downloaded the zip file from fuelphp.com and there is not the composer file, which is needed to make fuelphp run.. i would like to know what should i do... since... i have downloaded from github -> https://github.com/fuel/fuel but once i installed it i go this error:
Warning: require(C:\wamp\www\myproject\fuel\core\classes\autoloader.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\myproject\fuel\app\bootstrap.php on line 4
Looks like somthing is going wrong with it... thank you
I don't see the two as related, the fuel\core\classes\autoloader.php must absolutely exist, and is part of the fuel core, not related to composer. So you need to check why it can't load that file.
p.s. everything you would need from composer to run Fuel is included in the zip file, which is the reason it is not there at the moment. You absolotely don't have to run composer, the contents of the zip should run fine. So you have another issue.
The phar should ideally not be part of any distribution, it's something that should be installed on the server, and maintained. It gives you a warning when it's over 30 days old.
I have installed composer globally on my systems, see http://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md, so I can just do 'composer update' anyhwere I have a composer.json file.