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Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0
  • Has anyone ran into this issue before? We've migrated our Fuel build from one server to another and ran all the necessary permission updates. For whatever reason, Fuel is throwing this error rather than it's normal detailed error report for every PHP error. It's not a huge deal, since our issues have been pretty obvious, but I imagine, as much as we rely on Fuels error reporting, that this will be slightly more annoying in the future.

  • Which version of Fuel?

    This (the error message) is not a Fuel issue, it's a PHP issue. There is an error in the shutdown function, and because that is executed while PHP is tearing down it's process. So there is no "stack" anymore, there is no backtrace.

    Because of a lack of information, it can be a bit difficult to debug. An obvious candidate is Log, some sort of fatal error when trying to write to the log. The shutdown also writes the session (error accessing configured the session backend?), and writes the finder file cache (folder permissions on app/cache).

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