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-Arr::merge() - all arguments must be arrays.-
  • i am trying to use Orm in which i am geting an error saying 
    -Arr::merge() - all arguments must be arrays.- 
    i Have tryed every think but i am finding any think ,
    Can Some one plz try to solve my problem, i am not fing any tutorial regarding this to ,
    Please for haven sake try to help me.                        
  • Can you give more information?

    Which version of FuelPHP are you using?

    What is the exact error? Which file? Which line number? What is the backtrace? You can make a screenshot of the error and post it somewhere if that is easier.
  • COREPATH/classes/arr.php @ line 819

    815        foreach ($arrays as $arr)
    816        {
    817            if ( ! is_array($arr))
    818            {
    819                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Arr::merge() - all arguments must be arrays.');
    820            }
    822            foreach ($arr as $k => $v)
    823            {
    824                // numeric keys are appended

    the erro is on line 819

  • COREPATH/classes/config/file.php @ line 48

    44        foreach ($paths as $path)
    45        {
    46            $config $overwrite ?
    47                array_merge($config$this->load_file($path)) :
    48                \Arr::merge($config$this->load_file($path));
    49        }
    51        return $config;
    52    }

  • Still not a lot of information, so some guesswork is involved:

    The framework is attempting to load a config file (which I don't know without a full backtrace), but that config file doesn't return an array.

    here is the error page plz download and view the code in (Details)
    Or Here is the another link

  • Backtrace step 3 shows an attempt to load your db.php config, which causes the error.

    So you have a db.php somewhere in your config folder which either has a syntax error, or doesn't return an array.
  • sorry i have't got the answer can u show me a example how to connect database . by using db or file which is their in config folder or how to user the developer db file to connect to data base, I have under stood most of the concept but this is the concept which i am not geting .
    Please provide with the essistence.
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    By default, you have an empty db.php in fuel/app/config, only containing

    return array();

    Unless you have global DB settings, that have to be applied to all your environments, you should not touch this file.

    For your DB connections, you create a db.php config file in your config/<environment> folder. Unless you have set an environment, this will default to 'development'.

    You can find an example in fuel/core/config. Copy this db.php file to app/config/development, and after that add your DB settings to it.

    How is documented here:
  • Thank you, i got my answer, with this kind of support i really like it and like to promote it and tell my friends about it. 
    Thank you once again.

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