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how to do virtual hosting to remove public from the url
  • i have hear about virtual hosting in fuel php now my site is going to live so. ? my question is how to remove that public from my url . some think about virtual hosting but i dont have any idea how to do it.
    Please provide  some  guide like or example for it.
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer

    In general, you need the public folder as the target for your webservers document root. This is the default setup of FuelPHP, and designed to keep your code outside the documentroot, not accessable from the internet.

    If you don't want or need that, or if you're in a hosting situation where you can't choose your document root (even a lot of cheap hosters allow you to do this today), then there is no need for the public folder. Move everything in it one level up, delete the public folder, and change the paths in your index.php.

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