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Multiple groups of transactions
  • The FuelPHP supports multiple groups of transactions? How to use?

    I tried that...

    public static function trans_test1()

    $query1 = DB::query("INSERT INTO users (`login`, `password`) VALUES ('test', '123')")->execute();
    $query2 = self::trans_test2();


    return $query1;
    catch (Exception $e)

    throw $e;

    public static function trans_test2()

    $query2 = DB::query('SELECT * FROM `users`')->execute();


    return $query2;
    catch (Exception $e)

    throw $e;

    but generated the error:
    PDOException [ Error ]:
    There is no active transaction

    COREPATH/classes/database/pdo/connection.php @ line 474
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Not in the current release.

    And note that not all databases support nested transactions. Which is a problem because currently we have a generic PDO driver, instead of platform specific drivers. Which makes implementing platform specific code near to impossible.

    There has been a PR for 1.8/develop, where nested transactions are simulated using savepoints ( but it hasn't been validated and merged yet.

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