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Keep getting 'Trying to get property of non-object'
  • I get the error of 'Trying to get property of non-object' on line 31 which is

    31                <?php echo Form::select('client'Input::post('client', isset($contact) ? $contact->client_id $clients->id), array('class' => 'col-md-4 form-control')); ?>

    From what I understand, when this appears it means $contact is an array instead of an object and I am not understanding why because it is in fact an object unless it is referring to $clients->id 

    and everything has been set up accordingly to the docs as far as ORM relations and ensuring that there is $_belongs_to in the Model_Contact and $_has_many in Model_Client but nothing seems to be working. 

    I am trying to create a new contact that belongs to a client. So I have it set in contacts _form to display an array of clients to add the contact to. This should works for editing contacts too as well. 

    What am I doing wrong?

  • It can be either $contact->client_id or $clients->id. So you need to check both, one of them is not an object.
  • $clients->id is suppose to supply an array of all existing clients. I already know which is not an object, but I am having difficulty in solving that issue.
  • "id" is the name of the relation? Or of the PK column?
  • $clients seems to be an array. If it is, that normal you have an error on "$clients->id"

    If you want to gets all clients id in your array, you can do : 

    $clientIds = array();
    foreach($clients as $client)
      $clientIds[] = $client->id;


    $clientIds = array_keys($clients) // If keys in $client array are client's id (Fuel orm logic)

    If in all case, $clients array contains 1 row (client), you can do :
    $client = current($clients);
    $id = $client->id; 

  • @Harro - the id is the PK column of clients

    @Syntaxlb - $clients is an array and that is why I think the error is on $clients->id but I tried to use your solution and it keeps throwing error of undefined variable $clients. 

    Would it be possible that I might be placing the code in the wrong spot?
  • can u view what contains $client ? with a var_dump
  • find('all') always returns an array of objects (even if there is only one result), similar to get() in chained mode. find('first') returns a single object, similar to get_one() in chained mode.
  • @Harro

    I am not entirely sure what you're trying to say of what I should do instead. I did try find('first') but keeps throwing error of undefined variable
  • I can't tell you what to do, because I don't know your intentions / design goal.

    All I can see is that you do a find('all'), which returns an array of model objects (or an empty array if no records found), somewhere in your code, and then somewhere else you do $clients->id (which requires an object, not an array), which causes an error, and the two are somehow linked.

    This makes it a bit difficult to give you an answer. ;-)

    Re-reading this topic, I notice there's a mistake in your Form::select() statement too, could it be we're chasing a ghost?

    The prototype is:

    select($field, $values = null, $options = array(), $attributes = array())

    And it looks like you're passing the attributes array as the third argument. So perhaps it goes wrong because the Form class is trying to process your attributes are options?
  • I tried as you suggested but it seems to throw error of non object when it hits $client->id, although I do really think you're on the track towards solution. Lol. 

    I think my controller logic is fine and everything, all of this is coming from _form.php which is a view.
  • Finally got it to display the array list but now it won't save it to the database, but I think this is because I might not have it saved...?

    This is the line that will display the list of clients

    <?php echo Form::select('client', Input::post('client', isset($contact) ? $contact->client_id : $clients), array($clients), array('class' => 'col-md-4 form-control')); ?>
  • I'm still utterly clueless to what you are doing... ;-)

    You pass $clients AND as a selected option value (or multiple values), AND as option data array?

    The second argument of Form::select() is the selected value, which is an int, a string, or an array of ints or strings (in case it's a multiple select). The third argument is an assoc array, containing key-value pairs for your dropdown (and can be multidimensional if you want to use optgroups).

    I don't see how you can pass the same variable in both locations?

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