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who to get HMVC result in Array
  • in HMVC how to get the value result in array i have function in controller which return a array ,
    but when the it reach view the array is converted in some think else their is some parameter include to it lie given below 
    Fuel\Core\Request Object ( [response] => Fuel\Core\Response Object ( [status] => 200 [headers] => Array ( ) [body] => Array ( [0] => Array (

    how to get the body value from this array
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    The Request object has a method called response() to fetch the response after execution. The Response object has a method called body(), which you can use to retrieve the response body.


        $body = Request::forge()->execute()->response()->body();
    catch (\HttpNotFoundException $e)
        // the URL of the HMVC request does not exist, handle it to avoid breaking the app
  • thank u very much

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