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  • Well, I thought I would register and share this with anyone that needed it or may come in to this problem.  I usually don't run any kind of stack on anything other then my home linux machine, however since I upgraded to a iMac, I figured why not, it would solve me from sshing to my headless box, and updates could happen right away.  (So I thought).....

    The issue, OSX doesn't really supply the correct mysql.sock for Fuelphp or XAMPP to work with oil or any other command line.  So doing a bit of searching it took me a bit but I finally found something that helped, and I wanted to share this with everyone else.  I'm sure it will work with other stacks also, like MAMP.  But you would just need to update the paths, etc.  Anyway below is what I did from terminal and how to fix it. 

    # .bash_profile
    # Get the aliases and functions
    if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
    . ~/.bashrc
    # User specific environment and startup programs
    export XAMPP_HOME=/Applications/xampp/xamppfiles
    export PATH=${XAMPP_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
    export PATH
    unset USERNAME

    This information was actually found and I suggest reading the whole thing at; 

  • The main problem on OSX is that the php sapi module is configured to use a different php.ini file than php-cli, causing all kinds of issues on the commandline, including missing socket files and missing php modules (so for example you don't have pdo loaded).

    What does this exactly fix? There is a troubleshooting paragraph in the docs about OSX, if you can explain what this does, we can add it.
  • This script will simply fix your php.ini path.  So that instead of OSX raeading from the other php.ini it will manually set it to read from the xampp php.ini 

    For example I will provide a picture for you.  As you can see below my php.ini is being loaded from /usr/bin/php, however after running the above, I manually set it to the XAMPP php.ini.  From what I can see you have to run this every so often, I'm looking for a more perm way of doing it.  But with this done, I was able to run the oil command to create the auth tables.


  • I fixed it some time ago using an alias, mapping 'phpcli' to 'php -c /path/to/my/php.ini'.

    Now I can do

    phpcli oil ....

    and have no problem...

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