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How to autoload langauge from module?
  • How language in module autoload?
    It does not work.

    I have /shop module
    I have /shop/lang/en/shop.php language

    I was added always load in fuel/app/config/config.php
    'language'  => array('shop::shop'),
    I was added always load in module/shop/config/config.php too.

    When i browse to /shop in url the language does not load.
    Module was loaded but language was not.
    How to load language automatically from module.

    sorry to ask again.
    I cannot reply this topic.

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    If you want to autoload a language file from a module, you need to autoload the module too, and you need to load the file like in that post you linked to:

    'shop::shop' => 'shop'

    otherwise you can't use Lang::get('shop.something');

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