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  • Harro,

    I was surprised not to see FuelPHP mentioned in the list of framworks tested on HHVM Are you intending to have it included in their tests?

    Thanks, Chris
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    We have no intention at the moment.

    Fuel v1 is getting close to end-of-development, Fuel v2 isn't ready yet. In terms of priority I think we need to get v2 ready first.
  • @chrisv - All the HHVM test code is on Github, you could add it yourself if you wanted to :)
  • i know. But no time, and the priorities are elsewhere at the moment.
  • Fuel is community driven. If there is anyone who tries to run Fuel on HHVM, it is better he/she send Pull Request.

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