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Subfoldersin Modules
  • Hi All;

    I have an operating Admin panel and i want to move into a module,
    First of all, i have to say thay I already read this post :

    But it doesn't help me.

    I have and Admin with  basic "core" funtionality thay i want to have in all my projects, and also i want to have a Admin panel with especific project funtionality. 
    I think in something like this:

    modules folder (modules)
        -> admin folder (modules/admin)
                 -> core folder (modules/admin/core)
                 -> blog folder (modules/admin/blog) (is only an example)

    I have set in my config.php always load 'modules' => array('admin/core','admin/blog') 

    But if i try to access to: http://localhost/site/public/admin/core i get a 404 error, i get also wit (i have a Controller_Admin in that folder)

    I have set the namespace to Core, but i try also with Admin\Core, but it doesn't work.

    What am I doing wrong? 

    Maybe there is another way to get what i want (decentraliced admin core basically), but I don't know that ways.

    Thanks for your attention.

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    You're not doing anything wrong, That is simply not supported.

    What you can do is change the layout slightly:

    modules folder (modules)
        -> admin folder
        -> adminmodules folder
                 -> admincore folder
                 -> adminblog folder (is only an example)

    En then add two module paths, 'modules' and 'adminmodules', and some generic routes:

    'admin/core(:any)' => 'admincore$1',
    'admin/blog(:any)' => 'adminblog$1'
    'admincore(:any)' => 'welcome/404',
    'adminblog(:any)' => 'welcome/404'

    The first two routes make sure /admin/core/... gets to the admincore module, and the same for the second route. The remaining to are optional, but make sure /adminblog/... won't work (you have to route to your 404 controller there).
  • OK Harro, i understand. 

    Where I have to put that routes? In app/config/routes.php ? Or in Modules especific routes in /modules/XXX/config/routes.php?

  • In the global routes, in app.

    Module routes are only read when the request URL points directly to the module, and you need routing before that.

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