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Using module but render in my template app
  • I want to use modules but I can't render view them in my template app.

    How can I solve it? Using themes?

  • You have to be more specific, what exactly are you trying to do?

    Modules are designed to split your app in self contained functional parts. A request for such are part is then routed to a module controller, and that can access files in a module.

    I have a feeling you're trying to call cross module, which is a bad idea, as it destroys the loose coupling that need to exist between modules (and the app). If you want to load a view from a module from an app controller or a controller in another module, use an HMVC call to that module and have that return the view.
  • Perhaps with an example be easier.

    Normally app.

        public function action_index()
            $this->template->title = "Hello my friend!";
            $data['hello'] = 'Hello world!';
            $this->template->content = View::forge('hello/index', $data);

    It will renders the variable "content" in my template.

    Therefore, I want to utilize modules but to render in "content" for to use existing infrastructure (menu, auth and etc).
  • I understand this bit of code, but don't understand the relation with a module. You want to replace the View::forge() call with a view from a module?

    That is very bad practice, the only clean why to do that is to use an HMVC request to a module controller, and have that return the view.
  • I understand Harro, but the app "depot" utilize this concept (HMVC)?

    I wanted to use the same concept but without the Themes.

  • I don't think Depot uses cross-module calls at all.

    It uses a base controller that sets up the page template, and adds the 'content' second from the module controller itself.

    It utilizes the fact that there's a fallback to app for View::forge(), so you can global views that are loaded from app/views, and module views that are loaded from app/modules/yourmodule/views.

    That works as long as you use unique names for your views. I tend to use app/views/templates for page templates, and app/views/global for global views, like a header, footer, etc.

    And for the modules itself we use a dynamic system, where the before() of the base controller gets a list of loaded modules, and does an HMVC call to a controller in every module called "Controller_Module". This has methods like "action_menu", which will return menu options to add, it has others as well.

    So depending on the modules loaded, and the permissions the user has, the menu will be generated dynamically.

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