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Date format -> for time AGO
  • How I make a time ago

    Date::time_ago(strtotime("01 January 2012"));

    from database timestamp ??

    I solved it 

    $date = Date::forge($message->created_at)->format("%m/%d/%Y");

    thanks anyway

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    If your created_at field is a timestamp (which is the default), there is no need to do all this, you can feed it directly into Date::time_ago(), since that wants a timestamp.


    If it's a MySQL date, you don't need the format() and the strtotime(), since the Date object can give you the timestamp:

    $date = Date::create_from_string($message->created_at, 'mysql');

  • i tratar de esta manera debido a que en desde el principio yo no estaba trabajando correctamente.

    but you have the reason... thanks again

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