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Creating user with no email
  • I'm using Simpleauth for register/login functionality. So, my users table has an username, email, password, etc...
    I am using the create_user() function in order to create new users.. This function requires "email" as one of its parameters.. How would I go about to create a new user without the email address? 
    Ideally, I would like to create a new user, based on an user model... then, update its properties from an array (form data), and then create an user given that model.... is that possible?

    Thank you.
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Yes, that is not a problem. It only means that you have to manually hash the password before you store it, something that create_user() will do for you.

    You hash the password using Auth::hash_password(), this ensures you can use Simpleauth to login.

    The create_user() method requires the email address, because the Simpleauth driver allows a login via both username and email address, and therefore needs both to ensure both are unique.

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