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Undefined index when performing query
  • What does the error "Fuel\Core\PhpErrorException [ Notice ]:
    Undefined index:" mean?

    It happened when running this function:

    $groups = Model_Tmgroup::query()
                        ->where('owner_id', '=', $user_id)

  • atabakatabak
    Accepted Answer
    if owner_id in tmfriends relation, you must use

    $groups = Model_Tmgroup::query()
                        ->where('tmfriends.owner_id', '=', $user_id)
  • PHPErrorException's are standard PHP errors that are wrapped in an exception so they can be caught and handled. So this is a standard PHP notice.

    And it should tell you exactly where in the code it happens, in development mode exceptions are shown with a backtrace with code snippets.

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