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Messages class - DOCS
  • Hi, please can you give me a doc link for this class? because I used it but can't see my error, success..etc messages  once i redirect here is my code:

    foreach (array('error', 'warning', 'success', 'info') as $type)
       foreach(\Messages::instance()->get($type) as $message)
           echo '<div class="',$message['type'],'-box">',$message['body'],'</div>',"\n";

    in my controller for example I used this line: 
    \Messages::success(sprintf(__('login.provider-linked'), ucfirst($provider)));

    but nothing has been shown.
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    There is no doc link for that, it's a class we use in our application framework (which is where the example in the docs comes from).

    So you either have to implement your own messaging solution (most apps do), or use the Message class (and Message instance class) from here: which is an early version but should to the trick for basic stuff...

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