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Injecting Value to Json Response
  • Dear,

    I am on a work of AngularJS Application.

    In my angularjs application, i have a observer which always watch for 'notification' key in json array, if it is found. it will be displayed as notification. That is working behind notification.

    so when ever i requested for any information as json. it will passthrough certain code. the code will check for any notification available to user. if so. it will create a notification key in the response json and matter will be injected in notification. how i alter response in EVENT Class.. i think using event is better for it. using hook method.

    Any info appreciated. I want to do it just before the json astring creation in  model hybrid
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    The easiest is probably to extend the Hybrid controller, and overload the after() method. There you can access the data array before it is converted to json.

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