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Segmentation Fault on insert after updating to 1.8.
  • Hello,

    We just upgraded to 1.8 (from 1.6) and started experiencing very strange issue, which took a while to trace down.

    Below is a quick code extract:
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO Log4Asp (MsgTime, MsgLevel, MsgText, IP, user_agent) VALUES (NOW(), '.$level.', '.$msg.', '.$ip.', '.$user_agent.')';
    this causes segmentation fault - [core:notice] [pid 30916] AH00052: child pid 3622 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

    note: we did change from mysql driver to PDO.  All DB selects prior to that point work just fine.

    I would appreciate any thoughts on the subject and where we could look for resolution.

    Thank you!
    -John B

  • No clue, segfaults are notoriously hard to debug without the proper low-level tools.

    If you were using the mysql driver before, you might want to try the mysqli driver, as a workaround.

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