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Job Queue
  • I recently created a job queue system at work for managing tasks that should be completed in the background. I'll be porting this over to fuel and was wondering if anyone else found this to be "core worthy" or should I make it a standalone package. You may use this functionality to schedule emails to be sent, update information via external api, or whatever else you may need to do that could bog down page load time. The jobs would be run via a task that could be invoked by a cronjob or as a daemon. You would be able to specify a priority for the job so more important ones would be run before less important ones. You would also be able to schedule reoccuring jobs for things like updating a cache or sending out daily digest emails. The data for the jobs would be stored in either mysql or mongodb (when that class is available) via a driver system so you could extend it for something like rabbitmq. So thats basically it. Let me know what you guys think and if you have any suggestions.
  • After talking it through with some people on IRC I think its best to go with the package approach. :)
  • I'm excited to see it...
  • Hi Tom,

    I'm starting to explore your job-queue package which looks great and I wanted to know if you're still maintaining it (last commit 4 months ago).
    If so, and if I succeed using it, I could give you a feedback to write the usage instructions.

    Thanks for sharing,

  • Dimitri, did you ever try it out? I'm might give it a try.

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