Before opening an issue on github, I wanted to make sure I should.
It's started with an update I did (1.9.x). The behavior wasn't there before. So now, every ajax call that doesn't return $this->response() contain all code profiler script (When it's enabled in config).
Not a problem for the large majority of cases, but, for example, when you define a router() method in a controller which return a new response object, the response contain the code profiler content.
So should I create an issue for that ? Or do you have another way to avoid this ?
if (stripos($header, 'content-type') === 0 and stripos($header, 'text/html') === false)
$show = false;
It should not show profiler data if the content-type of the response isn't "text/html".
The REST and Hybrid controllers are made to either return an array, or use $this->response() to set the response. If you return anything else, it will drop the return value, and return $this->response (the property) instead.
You say this happens when $this->response() isn't returned. What is returned then? Can you give an example so I can test?
Here is my method (It's a controller Controller_Public_Private, which prevent access for non logged in user, except if the method is in a "allowed_methods" property in child controller
public function router($ressource, $arguments)
$allowed = false;
// Check if method is in allowed access array, or block
The code snippet I posted doesn't check the accept header, it checks the header set in the Response.
Just calling is_ajax() isn't sufficient, there are lots of other output formats that are not related to ajax calls, that also require profiler output to be suppressed.
So, is it a plain controller, or a controller that extends Controller_Rest or Controller_Hybrid?
A standard Controller always returns text/html, Controller_Rest and Controller_Hybrid set the content type on the response based on the accept header and the selected response format.
If it does extend Controller_Rest or Controller_Hybrid, you shouldn't return a standard Response (because that doesn't contain the correct settings), don't use
doesn't, because altough the payload is now a string (thanks to the Format), the reponse is still text/html, which causes the profiler output to be attached.
(tested with Postman to create valid ajax requests)
This is obvious, since you decide here not to use the controllers REST response object, but your own response object. So you have to make sure yourself that it is setup properly.
So the $this->format = 'json'; solved the problem :
if( ! $allowed and ! Auth::check())
// Without this, the code profiler content would be in the response
$this->format = 'json';
$this->response(['error' => 'must_login'], 403);
So even with the controller response object, why must we set the format to make it wor ? I believed that controller REST and Hybrid's response content type was set using request accept header ?
This will set $this->format. If in your case the format isn't detected as "json" as your reply suggests, you will have to debug your ajax request, so you can understand why. For example, with jQuery ajax calls you need to set dataType: "json" to set the correct http accept header.
When you call $this->reponse(), it will make sure the Response object of the Contoller is set with the correct reponse headers. Previously, you used Response::forge() instead of $this->response, so that didn't happen.
So, debug your requests to see where it goes wrong. Even if you can't change them, at least you'll know why you have to hardcode the return format there to make it work.
That's why i'm asking you, because from the beginning the request dataType was set to json, and the accept header is as follow :
application/json, text/javascript, */*
But it's not a big deal if I don't found the answer, given that it works with the harcoded format.
But before I update Fuel to latest 2 month ago maybe, The profiler wasn't in response with the same ajax call. So it's more like are you sure it's not a fuel issue ?
If it works if you hardcode it, and doesn't if you don't, it's either the request that is wrong, or the processing of it. I've only tested sofar with "application/json", and that worked fine. I'll rerun the tests with that accept header.
Reran the tests with $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] set to "application/json, text/javascript, */*", and that selects the "json" return format without problems.
So unfortunately I'm not any closer to finding out why that doesn't happen in your case.
Since I want to make sure it's not a framework issue somewhere, could you please find some time to do some debugging of the _detect_format() method in the REST controller, and check what it returns, and why?