Hey, I just had a quick question. I originally built my login system using SimpleAuth. How big of a headache would it be to convert the user base over to OrmAuth? I haven't really seen anyone ask this or any information on making this type of switch.
Do you think this would be a hard conversion, and really not worth it?
Depends a bit how wild you went with groups and roles, because you have to convert these manually.
The easiest is probably to make a copy of your users table, revert all Auth migrations (which should delete your users table), then change your app config from simpleauth to ormauth, and run all migrations again.
This would create all Ormauth tables, with a users table with an admin user.
It doesn't look too difficult. Thanks for the pointers! One more question to go along with the conversion. I haven't dug too deep into the code for this yet. But, would all the users have to change their passwords to go along with the change? Or would I just have to make sure that the iterations match?