It's availabel, but it works in some strange way. It does not redirect to service's login form, but renders form to input "OpenID Identifier (URL)" - I don't understand what is this.
To work with keycloak we need to set host, realm, client_id and redirect_url... and then it should redirect to service's login form and redirect back to callback_url.
Possibly, I do not unserstand what is OpenID Connection and what is not. But on the site of keycloak project written that it use OpenID Connection protocol.
I am already in progress creating KeycloakStrategy...
Can anybody say to me, why 'callback_transport' is hardcoded with value 'get' in \Auth_Opauth? And how to squeeze access_token and refresh_token in query string?
Everytime when I try to do this I get nginx error at the moment of shipping data to callback...
I did not found a place to read error message exactly related to problem... But I detect, when I add more data to $this->auth structure in my internal callback, then I got nginx error on my dev vm.