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Problem fetching result with relations
  • Hi all, I've tried to find similar posts to get my problem solved but unfortunately I was not able to find anything that explains my "problem". Controller:
    class Controller_Plan extends Controller_Common {
     public function action_show() {
      $plan = Model_Plan::find('all', array(
       'related' => array('planrecords'),
       'where' => array(
        array('id', '=', Uri::segment(3)),

    class Model_Plan extends Orm\Model {
     protected static $_has_many = array('planrecords'=> array(
       'key_from' => 'id',
       'key_to' => 'plan_id',
     protected static $_observers = array(
      'Orm\\Observer_CreatedAt' => array('before_insert'),
      'Orm\\Observer_UpdatedAt' => array('before_save'),

    class Model_Planrecord extends Orm\Model {
     protected static $_belongs_to = array('plan');

    Extract of the result:
    array(1) {
      object(Model_Plan)#14 (7) {
        array(6) {
          string(1) "1"
          string(19) "2011-04-25 09:35:13"
          string(19) "2011-04-25 09:35:13"
        array(1) {
          array(2) {
            object(Model_Planrecord)#15 (7) {
              array(13) {
                string(1) "1"
                string(19) "2011-04-25 09:17:58"
                string(19) "2011-04-25 09:17:58"
                string(1) "1"
                string(1) "1"
                string(1) "1"
                string(46) "Initiate Code-Freeze for main repository"

    Well, the "problem" is: how can I access those objects? Any try with
    failed. Additionally I am a bit surprised that the result is sort of an array. Could anyone help me? Maybe my queries are wrong? Thanks in advance,
  • You are requesting "all" objects, which means that 0 to many objects are returned and thus an array with 0 to many objects is returned. In this case it's just one, but it might just as well be 0 or a 100. $plan would be an object (and always just 1 object) if you'd do the following:
    public function action_show() {
      $plan = Model_Plan::find('first', array(
       'related' => array('planrecords'),
       'where' => array(
        array('id', '=', Uri::segment(3)),

    Which is also a lot more logical as you're requesting it by ID and as such there should never be more than 1 result.
    Now $plan->planrecords will work.
  • Hi Jelmer, you are absolutely right...! I didn't see that it was still 'all' - obviously. Now it works as expected and I am happy! Thank you for your quick help... ;-) Regards,

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