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Is FuelPHP stable enough?
  • Hi,
    is FuelPHP stable enough to develop business solutions right now?
    Or will there be changes in the Class / Method Syntax?
  • For the most part Fuel has stabelized, which is why we felt it was time to release a first beta a couple of weeks ago. Most of the framework will only be bugfixed on the road to a 1.0 release.
    Having said that, we're not feature complete and some parts may still be rewritten, removed or added. For a business solution my own approach is as follows: for any long-term projects (development time expected more than a month) I use Fuel and I keep bugfixing while implementing. For any short-term projects I still use CI or other solutions.
  • Thanks for your reply. Is it possible to contribute to the FuelPHP project?
  • Fork Fuel on Github and make a pull request after you pushed your changes to your own fork. There's a nice short tutorial on contributing like this in the PyroCMS documentation: Our repo can be found on

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