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PK as FK
  • Models: When inserting in thread->post->video where PostVideo's PK is also the FK for 'Posts' it returns this error.
    Fuel\Core\Fuel_Exception [ Error ]: Primary key cannot be changed.

    Is it then not possible for a one-to-one relationship with the FK as PK ? the FK is unique as its the other tables PK (auto increment) and they cascade delete together. Also, this -might- only be a problem in a one-to-many and then one-to-one. Since I had done similar for another project in a one-to-one relationship and I recall it worked.
  • You shouldn't use PKs as FKs, if it works for one-one it's by accident not design. A PK should be unique and is unchangeable for a reason.
  • Jelmer Schreuder wrote on Sunday 5th of June 2011:
    You shouldn't use PKs as FKs, if it works for one-one it's by accident not design. A PK should be unique and is unchangeable for a reason.

    Thanks, just wanted to confirm.

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