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How to get generated query for insert/update.
  • If I generate a MySQL query to select data (see code below), the variable $result->_query will contain the actual MySQL query generated. This is useful for debugging. I haven't been able to get the actual MySQL query when doing inserts or updates (see code below). Is there a way to get the query? Select code:
    $query = DB::select('test')->from('examples');
    $result = $query->as_object()->execute();
    $data = $result->as_array();

    Update code:
    $query = DB::update('examples')->set($set_array)->where('example_id', '=', $example_id);
    $rows_affected = $query->execute();
  • I believe you need DB::last_query(). Place it immediately following the query. Carl
  • Just echo the query before using ->execute() or cast it to a string, the Database Query object has a __toString() method that will return the query as build up to that point.
  • Thanks. Both answers are useful. It turns out I can enter DB::last_query() into my debugger watch window and view the query.

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