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More logical to move the App directory outside of the fuel directory
  • Hi, Is there a specific reason why the App directory is inside the Fuel directory? For years I used to move the application directory outside of the system directory in Codeigniter and now in ver 2.0 they have done it by default. Would moving the app directory and altering the $app_path in the index file cause any issues with assets, packages etc... Example:
    // public/index.php
    // Move the app dir outside of Fuel
    $app_path = '../app/';
  • I agree with this... the app directory should reside outside of the fuel's directory
  • I also like the idea of having app dir outside the fuel dir by default.
  • Guys this is already the case, Fuel's setup out of the box is as follows: - fuel
    --- app
    --- fuel core
    --- packages
    - public_docs Which means that the "fuel" dir is nothing more than a container for both the core & the app, not that the app is in the core. If you want to compare this to codeigniter it would be like this: - some_dir
    --- system
    --- application
    - public_docs We feel this is a better setup than: - app
    - core
    - packages
    - public
  • The reason CodeIgniter moves application outside of system was so those users not tracking their systems with VCS could easily just delete the "system" directory and replace it with that of the new version. Before the move application would have been in the way to make this more difficult. We already have this separation of app and core inside the fuel/ directory, which can be moved if you don't want it. Otherwise your root is cluttered with directories that by themselves may not make much sense to a developer looking at them. There is no downside to the set-up as it is now, just a matter of cleanliness.
  • Yes I know... I updated Fuel and over wrote my app as I forgot the app directory was inside the Fuel directory sigh. Absolutely loving Fuel it's awesome and it's so quick in both development time and performance. Note to self:
    Take more care when updating Fuel apps :-)
  • Use git for everything, all the time.
    git remote add fuel git://
    git pull fuel master

    And bam, you're upgraded.
  • No access to command line with my hosting. Could it be done using tasks or migrate so I could build it into my apps? A class called update_fuel would be good lol!
  • Nothing to do with your host, you manage your app locally and then put it online. Even if you only track your project with Git then FTP the whole thing up it's still better than just dragging around unversioned files. It's not the 90's any more. Do you still use floppy disks? :p
  • lol :-) Version control is done on local servers. I guess I do need to go and look at Git though. Cheers Phil.

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