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Email class has been removed from the core
  • As of today, the old Email classes are no longer part of the Fuel core. These classes were taken from the CodeIgniter framework, but their license is not compatible with Fuels MIT license. If you have an application that depends on these classes, you can install the fuel-legacy-email package ( and add the package to 'always_load' in your application config file. The package provides complete compatibility with the old email classes, no application code changes are needed. Note that this package uses the namespace 'Email'. If you have another package, or a module, that is using this namespace, you will have to modify that.
  • As of v1.1 Fuel includes a completely new Email package which is not compatible with the fuel-legacy-email package and can't be used alongside it. It is strongly recommended to switch to using that package if you are still using the old Email classes or legacy package.
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