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Changing Database and Environment settings
  • Hi guys, A quick question about changing the DB and Environment settings on Fuel. We are building a web app and have it on our local, development and live servers. Each server is using a different DB. What is the best way you can change that automatically depending on which server it is on? Currently, I have changed the config.php file to instead of returning array straight off; it puts it in a variable, does a check for the URL and changes the Env respectively. Then returns the array. Is there something I've missed to do this better, seems the only way I can do it at the moment. Cheers for getting back to me. I've copied the code at the bottom of this post. Thanks,
     * Fuel is a fast, lightweight, community driven PHP5 framework.
     * @package    Fuel
     * @version    1.0
     * @author     Fuel Development Team
     * @license    MIT License
     * @copyright  2010 - 2011 Fuel Development Team
     * @link       [url=][/url]
    $config = array(
      * base_url - The base URL of the application.
      * MUST contain a trailing slash (/)
      * You can set this to a full or relative URL:
      *     'base_url' => '/foo',
      *     'base_url' => ''
      * Set this to null to have it automatically detected.
     'base_url'  => null,
      * index_file - The name of the main bootstrap file.
      * Set this to false or remove if you using mod_rewrite.
     'index_file' => false,
      * Your environment.  Can be set to any of the following:
      * Fuel::DEVELOPMENT
      * Fuel::TEST
      * Fuel::STAGE
      * Fuel::PRODUCTION
     'environment' => Fuel::DEVELOPMENT,
     /* ... Rest of the array removed for brevity... */
    // Switch Env depending on the HTTP Host.
    switch(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
     case '':
     case '':
      $config['environment'] = Fuel::DEVELOPMENT;
     case '':
     case '':
      $config['environment'] = Fuel::TEST;
     case '':
     case '':
      $config['environment'] =  Fuel::STAGE;
     case '':
     case '':
      $config['environment'] =  Fuel::PRODUCTION;
      $config['environment'] = Fuel::DEVELOPMENT;
    return $config
    /* End of file config.php */
  • Use SetEnv in your .htaccess file. And don't replace it on the server :)
  • Frank Bardon wrote on Monday 25th of July 2011:
    Use SetEnv in your .htaccess file. And don't replace it on the server :)

    And if you don't know how to do that:
    SetEnv FUEL_ENV development

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