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handeling json input::post in a rest controller ...
  • Hi everybody .. What I would like is to use the data and save it into my database ..
    shouldn't be that difficult but I don't seem to get it right .. Very new at everything so i would very much appreciate some tips ..
    I don't quite understand how I can get this to work ..
    any thoughts what I miss here ? This is the data i get from my view
    generated by knockout.js
         // saving data to rest controller 
         url : "/q/auth/savethis",
         type: "post",
         data: ko.toJSON(ViewModel), 
         contentType: "application/json", 
         success: function (result)
          alert(result.message+" "+result.firstName+" "+result.lastName) ;

    Which generates me this data to send to my controller: {"userName":"Username","userPass":"","userEmail":"Email@address.adr","firstName":"FirstName","lastName":"LastName","fullName":"FirstName LastName"} */ scarap at :
     public function post_savethis()
       $firstName  = \Input::post("firstName"); 
       $lastName  = \Input::post("lastName");    
       // but first just return some data back to the view .. 
        'valid'  => true, 
        'message'  => 'Did we got any data ? ', 
        'firstName' => $firstName ,  
        'lastName' => $lastName   
     } /* end of savethis */

    Ok solved this :
    data: JSON.parse(ko.toJSON(ViewModel)) ,
    ko.toJSON Get's me the ViewModel in JSON format and JSON.pasrse get's it to play nicely with js / jquery
  • Looks like you are encoding to JSON then decoding again just to make an array. Can't you just send an array?
  • Phil Sturgeon wrote on Thursday 11th of August 2011:
    Looks like you are encoding to JSON then decoding again just to make an array. Can't you just send an array?

    Hi .. thanks a lot f taking the time to read this .. Yeah seems that way .. the ko.toJSON gives me a plain json string .. i had expected that I could pass the json string directly to my rest controller .. when i try to access the sent data in my controller .. just seems empty.. with this construction seems to work but i am sure there is a simpler way but i can't seem to get it .. what do you mean sending just an array?
    because knockout has those observables i have to use (t)his ko.toJSON function don't see any other way .. it works .. so maybe later will fix with something else.

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