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ORM and Pdo (sqlite)
  • Hi, I looked for this in the forums but it seems there is anything about it.
    Does Fuel ORM work with Sqlite? I also read the documentation but I did not find anything. Anyway, Fuel seems great.
  • I think sqlite support would be HUGE as the default development database driver (a la rails), to get a user up and running quickly. Where would you direct me to get involved on this front?
  • There is a rewrite of the DB layer planned for 2.0, which will introduce platform dependent drivers. Currently the architecture requires an ANSI SQL compliant backend, and this can not be changed easily.
  • It's been a while but originally I tested the ORM with sqlite3 as well and it did work fine with it.
  • Fuel's ORM uses the DB classes. There is a PDO driver available, but it contains some MySQL specifics (like 'SET NAMES') that have to be removed. Supporting more DBMS's is on the roadmap.

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