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php oil test --group=App unique database field test
  • Hello, I'm trying to create a test, that will make sure the database does not accepts duplicate username and email entries. I know the database is working as intended, but I am not having any luck creating the test for this. NOTE: Stupid code button doesn't work :'( I'm curious to know how you would test for this..... This is how my test is written: /**
    * @depends test_create
    * @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_Error
    */ public function test_no_duplicates()
    $user = Model_User::factory(array(
    'username' => 'unittest',
    'password' => Auth::instance()->hash_password('123456'),
    'email' => 'unit@test.local',
    'profile_fields' => '',
    'group' => '',
    'last_login' => '',
    'login_hash' => '',
    )); $user->save();
    } And this is the output of my tests: PHPUnit 3.5.14 by Sebastian Bergmann. ......E. Time: 1 second, Memory: 12.00Mb There was 1 error: 1) Test_Users::test_no_duplicates
    Fuel\Core\Database_Exception: Duplicate entry 'unittest' for key 'username' [ INSERT INTO `users` (`username`, `password`, `email`, `profile_fields`, `group`, `last_login`, `login_hash`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('unittest', 'sOxROCpnRA81EFue/HpgPpfkxouQMiHi58gCI92yiTY=', 'unit@test.local', '', '', '', '', 1313354096, 1313354096) ] /Users/bitmasked/Sites/eipfuel/fuel/core/classes/database/mysql/connection.php:203
    /Users/bitmasked/Sites/eipfuel/fuel/app/tests/users.php:109 FAILURES!
    Tests: 8, Assertions: 10, Errors: 1.
  • Nevermind, the only way I managed to get this working was the following:
    * @depends test_create
    public function test_no_duplicates()
    $error = Null;
    $user = Model_User::factory(array(
    'username' => 'unittest',
    'password' => Auth::instance()->hash_password('123456'),
    'email' => 'unit@test.local',
    'profile_fields' => '',
    'group' => '',
    'last_login' => '',
    'login_hash' => '',
    )); // Attempt to save to the database, it should failed.
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {
    $error = $e;
    } // If it did not failed, $error is Null.

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