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Mongo get() behavior
  • Let's say that I have a bunch of widget data in mongo. * Collection A contains inventory data about each widget * Collection B contains pricing data about each widget. Now let's say I wanted to connect inventory and pricing data and show the lowest price of all red widgets.
    $red_widgets = $db->get_where('inventory', array('color' => red)); 
    $prices = array();
    foreach($red_widgets as $widget)
       array_push($prices, $db->get_where('prices', array('id' => $widget['id])));
    echo min($prices);

    Ignore the fact that this is, perhaps, a crappy example. The point is that the above code doesn't work as expected. It appears as though the $wheres variable never gets cleared between the two get_where() function calls. So to work around this I do something like this in the model:
    $db->wheres = array(); // reset the $wheres 

    But I have to ask if this is the intended method of use? Adding the following to the end of the get() function in the core seems like a more sensible behavior:
       return (object) $returns;

    Has anyone else run into this? Am I doing it right? Am I missing something? Should I go ahead and add this into the core and submit a pull request? Thanks! EDIT: Formatting and typo
  • Relevant: I guess it's already slated to be fixed. Cool.

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