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Unusual behavior with $view->set('item',$myitem,false);
  • Hi all, Just experienced a rather strange output to my code, wondered if anybody else had experienced it? It's probably something I'm doing but I'm not sure....
    $staff = Model_Staff::find()->where(\DB::expr('REPLACE(LOWER(CONCAT(title,"-",job_title))," ","-")'),$title)->get_one();
    if( !$staff )
    $view =  \View::factory('staff/view');
    $view->staff = $staff;
    $view->set('staffarticle','<p>hello joe</p>',false);

    In my view I output $staffarticle and this behaves correctly. However, if I swap
    <p>hello joe</p>
    it escapes the data from the DB which I've told it not to do. Any ideas?
    Rob :)
  • Solved this. Apparently the line
    $view->staff = $staff;
    escapes the data in the object and then transfers the object to the view rather than transferring byval to the view and then escaping. Switch the last two lines around and it works
  • The way data is escaped (filtered) has been modified in 1.1/develop. It now uses 'lazy escaping', that is the escaping only happens when the data is sent to the view, and no longer when you set it.

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