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  • sorry, im not getting this error, also tested by someone else they didnt get it either, might be a problem with browser cookies/caching or session or dev environment
  • It depends on the platform, and what you have installed.
    On some, you will have to install the desired locale files first.
  • I debug it and found the place where it stops ... warden.php Warden::check()
            if (static::logged_in($role) || static::auto_login($role)) {
                $status = true;

    logged_in() and auto_login() returns false ... driver.php Driver->logged_in
    return $this->has_access($role ? $role : $this->config['default_role'], $this->user);

    It works all fine, but in this return line i become an false ...
    I think I use the methods wrong. I just like to know: Is the user is logged in or not ... Should I set for the whole webseite roles?
  • do you have a default role set in the config? If so, has the user trying to login been assigned the default role? If you dont have a default role in the config file then the previous question doesn't matter. debug $status in the Warden_Driver->has_access before and after this 'if' block:
    if (!empty($role) && $status) { Try do a Warden::logout() to clear the cookies and session then try Warden::check() this should return false, then try logging in again. Make sure you dont have an exit() somewhere in your code as this stops the new session values from being saved.
  • shame on me ... you are right, the default role was set to 'user'. Sorry for that and thanks for the fast help!
  • Why use (and thus include) PHPCryptLib, and not PHPSecLib, which is already available in the Fuel core?
  • Okay, I know this isn't really a Warden issue and I am doing something stupid simple wrong... But any help would be appreciated. Controller_Auth (
    has action register, that is used to register a user. APPPATH/classes/controller/auth.php
    Model_Profile extends \Warden\Profile - ( )
    I added custom fields to the _properties() . Located in APPPATH/classes/model/profile.php
    The Issue:
    The user table is adding the information just fine... The profile table is adding the new row and user id, but none of the custom fields and is not throwing any error. So what I am getting is a new row with only the ID & USER_ID. If in the Controller_Auth I change it to \Warden\Model_Profile rather than the extended class I made and add the fields directly into the \Warden\Model_Profile _properties, it works as expected... What am I missing here?
  • I see the examples of how to use the ACL/roles methods, but am not quite getting it. Do you have an example of how you would use this? Here is an example scenario: How would this look in the DB? User Roles:
    1) superadmin
    2) admin
    3) user
    4) not logged in (no role) Site Sections:
    these are in module/controller/action format and the required roles are in ( ) /admin/users/create - to create a user (superadmin & admin)
    /admin/roles/create - to add a role (superadmin)
    /user/profile/view - view profile - any logged in user If I am understanding this correctly, if i want to limit access to /admin/roles/create to super admin only i would have a DB record for:
    name                         resource                                     action                          description
    ---------------------        -------------------------------------     -------------------------     ---------------------------------------------------------
    admin_roles            /admin/roles/create                view                             view roles

    Sorry if this is too vague and I know it is a simple answer, i've probably just over-complicated it. Thank you in advance.
  • From a quick look it seemed PHPSecLib did not have a BCrypt implementation
  • Example Roles table: id name description
    1 superadmin Super admin
    2 admin Administrator
    3 user
    user can login
    Example Permissions table: Method 1:
    id name resource action
    1 superadmin & admin admin/users create
    2 superadmin admin/roles create
    3 logged in user user/profile view
    Or Method 2:
    id name resource action
    1 superadmin & admin Model_User create
    2 superadmin Model_Role create
    3 logged in user Model_Profile view
    Plus any descriptions in the descriptions column..
    Example roles_permissions: role_id permission_id
    1 1
    2 1
    1 2
    1 3
    2 3
    3 3
    Then assign the roles to users..
    You can also add default role to the Warden config:
    'default_role' => 'user'
    This will check that a user trying to login has this role and every user that signs up successfully is assigned this role automatically. Now in your controllers,
    Before someone can create a user: Using Method 1: if (Warden::can('create', 'admin/user')) {
    // do something
    } Using Method 2: $user = Warden::current_user();
    if ($user && ($user->is_admin() || $user->is_superadmin())) {
    if (Warden::can('create', 'Model_User')) {
    // do something
    } This is just an example showing how to use it, you can modify it to your specific needs, soon there will be an easier way to create roles and permissions, through maybe oil or an init script..
  • That is correct, PHPSecLib implements PBKDF2, which NIST advises for password hashing, and which is used by Fuel's Auth package.
  • man you rock! thank you!!!
  • I'm still a little confused on the "name" field in the permissions table. Is this just a readable name to identify it or is this actually used some where?
  • Yes the name field is just a readable form of the permission, its not used in the code, only resource and action are used in the code
  • There's an entire flame war about the pro's and con's. bcrypt has been surpassed by scrypt, so if you want the latest and greatest, use that instead. For most purposes, including Fuels, PBKDF2 is more than secure enough. The stackoverflow discussion actually touches on an important subject, namely that Blowfish isn't a hashing algorithm, it's an encryption algoritm. It serves a different purpose. It all depends on what you need or want to use it for, and more importantly, how you implement it. In case of pdkdf2, the number of key iterations are very important. We recommend a minimum of 1000. The Auth package actually uses 10.000 key iterations to calculate the hash. We have added the pbkdf2 implementation to PHPSecLib, and had it checked by a security company to make sure no mistakes were made (and we made some alterations to the code based on the result, in particular to timing to prevent timing attacks).
  • Am struggling to find any examples of how to register users using your library... Specifically using the features such as confirmable, and encryption for passwords... Do you have any complete working examples of your package? It would be very helpful and useful for many if there was one available.
  • There will be working examples coming with the 1.0 release as stated in the github issue page..
    It uses the orm package so all you have to know about registering users has to do with the orm, encryption is done automatically, please check the user model class for methods on the features..all the methods are documented..
    Basic eg. try {
    $user = new Model_User();
    $user->username = 'Aran';
    $user->email = '';
    $user->password = 'password';
    } catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
    Eg. Confirming a user: try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
  • Ok I think am getting somewhere, but ran into a problem with check() in that it seems to be returning nothing? Edit: I've also tried logged_in() and it seems to be returning nothing?
  • check() and logged_in() both return booleans always, check the code
  • yeah I used print_r to check the returned values and nothing is being returned... This is the line where I use authenticate and am getting no errors here... if(Warden::authenticate($val->validated('username'), $val->validated('password'), true))
  • Aran Wilkinson wrote on Thursday 10th of November 2011:
    yeah I used print_r to check the returned values and nothing is being returned... This is the line where I use authenticate and am getting no errors here... if(Warden::authenticate($val->validated('username'), $val->validated('password'), true))

    Try use a try, exception might have been thrown somewhere
  • What new features would you like to see in the next version of warden or any auth package?
  • The only things I've considered for / added to my own build of Warden that I find really helpful: a) Permission Categories - this way I can throw up a quick UI that pulls up categories of permissions that can be assigned to a new or existing role (ie: Admin, CMS, etc permissions are all separated) b) I would love to see (not sure if this is possible, haven't given it enough thought) a simpler recyclable function that can just be tossed into any function that will check the current class and function and automatically check for permissions based on those two parameters. In CodeIgniter I would have used URL parameters for this, but I haven't looked into it enough for fuelPHP ie: if(!can_access_this()) { // redirect } Other than that, I've already used Warden a few times and with a few minor fixes to the 1.2/dev branch it's been working great.
  • The weird thing is I get redirected to common/check?

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